Wednesday, 23 May 2012

A blog that birthed from crocheting

As the title implies, this blog existed because I wish to share the work of my hands. I've always been an avid fan of DIY projects. It wasn't until I moved to a foreign land that I have the abundance of time in my hands. In the last few months I have been filling in my time with cooking, baking, gardening, knitting and now crocheting. So here is my first post for today, the crocheted shoes that inspired this blog and I hope to post more in the future.

The photo here is of a pair of shoes which I crocheted for a little girl of 2 and a half years old. I hope she likes them. It is my very first pair of crocheted shoes for little girls :)

1 comment:

  1. so cute. do you have for size 7? hehe :) ur gifted babe! awesome ...
