Thursday, 24 May 2012

Crocheted Shoes

For the past week I've been crocheting shoes non stop. I find crocheting highly addictive (I believe many others who crochet would agree). I didn't realise that I was addicted to crocheting until one night, I lost my only crochet stick Yes, I only have one crochet stick which I bought for NZD1.50 from The Salvation Army Store. My husband and I were going to a meeting and I thought I would crochet while we were having the meeting. However, later on I thought it impolite to do so! So I didn't... When we got back from the meeting, I was upset to find that my crochet stick was not in the bag with my wool! I searched my bag a few times and ended up frustrated! I looked at my husband and he said I should continue knitting at the moment, and tomorrow we'll call up our friend to ask her whether she'd seen my crochet stick at her place. I took his advice and knitted the same time, wondered whether God was speaking to me and telling me I've been placing crocheting above him... Anyway, here are some photos of them. And thanks to Lisa from Goodknits for her basic shoe pattern.

Red Crocheted Shoes

Green Crocheted Shoes. The colour looks better in real life.

Blue Crocheted Shoes

Pink Crocheted Shoes

Red crocheted shoes with pink crochet flowers

Mix and match~

Mix and match~

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

A blog that birthed from crocheting

As the title implies, this blog existed because I wish to share the work of my hands. I've always been an avid fan of DIY projects. It wasn't until I moved to a foreign land that I have the abundance of time in my hands. In the last few months I have been filling in my time with cooking, baking, gardening, knitting and now crocheting. So here is my first post for today, the crocheted shoes that inspired this blog and I hope to post more in the future.

The photo here is of a pair of shoes which I crocheted for a little girl of 2 and a half years old. I hope she likes them. It is my very first pair of crocheted shoes for little girls :)